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“Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind, than the one where they sprang up.”
— Oliver Wendell Holmes
With the ministry landscape changing significantly in the wake of 2020, The KLM Ministry Chamber has never been more valuable. Join the Ministry Chamber for monthly coaching, live Q&A's, Leaders Lab sessions, Sermon help, Barna ministry insights, Staff meetings, Behind the scenes looks at churches across the globe and much more.
The crown jewel of The KLM Group services. Join The KLM Business Chamber and get access to monthly coaching, live Q&A's, Masterclasses, industry insiders and much more
Creativity is limitless. Inspiration is priceless. This might just be our most sought out offering of them all. Join The KLM Creative Chamber and get access to Masterclasses, live Q&A's, Gear reviews, Inside access to our contributors sessions, processes, and studios, along with so much more.